Minor 5-Run Rule (LLB Rule 5.07 in Baseball and Softball)

March 01, 2009
By Greg Sinadinos

As a result of action by the Charter Committee in Williamsport, an option is available to local Little Leagues in regard to Rule 5.07 in Baseball and Softball, provided the District Administrator agrees to allow it.

Currently, in all levels of Minor League play, any half-inning ends when:

  1. Three outs are recorded, or
  2. All players on the roster have batted once in that half-inning, or
  3. Five runs have scored.

The new option for 2009 provides that No. 3 above would not apply to the last half-inning of the game for either team, nor would it apply to any half-inning in an "extra inning." (No. 1 and 2 apply to all half-innings.)

If a league wishes to adopt this option, and if the District Administrator agrees to allow it, it may be implemented for the 2009 regular season only.

At the conclusion of the 2009 playing season, Little League will determine if this option will be available to all leagues in 2010 and beyond.


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